Interpreting Services are available to patients in over 200 languages, including Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Russian and American Sign Language.

Interpreting Services
If your English is limited or you communicate with ASL, please ask your doctor or nurse to contact us and an interpreter will be provided at no cost to you.
Special Needs
If you have difficulty hearing or speaking, you can use our pay phone teletypewriters (TTYs) – also known as telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDDs). They're available throughout UCSF.
We also provide bedside TTYs, phone amplifiers and pocket talkers for patients. Medical center operators are available 24 hours a day by TTY. Call the TTY operator at (415) 885-3889 (415-885-3TTY).
Audiobooks are provided by Volunteer Services for visually impaired hospital patients. Contact Volunteer Services at (415) 353-1196.
For other services or special requests, please ask your nurse or contact Patient Relations.